FEATURE I John Lohan Under The Microscope

John you’ve had an affiliation with the club for a number of years, where did last season rank for you in your time here?

Last season was the best since Andy Geary took us up last time. Last season has to be the best, because we went up as champions with 103 points! This was a league and club record. A fantastic achievement.

You and Sean took the decision to give Danny his first managerial position, what is it about Danny that appealed to you?

A number of reasons, obviously Danny had experience of being a professional and playing at a higher level than previous managers we have had, and we felt he could bring another level of professionalism to the club. We had been in the doldrums too long it was time for a change, we saw Danny as the man to bring about that change. Sean, John and I interviewed Danny. It was very obvious that Danny wanted the same success for the club as us, we were all on the same page.

Danny’s attention to detail, the standards he sets for himself and his players, and also the respect the lads have for Danny as a player and now of course as a manager, we knew it was the right time for Danny to show what he is capable of if we gave him the backing that he requires.

Silsden Football Club and Danny are a perfect fit to fulfil Danny’s ambitions as well as our own.

What can the fans expect next season at the Cobbydale Construction Stadium, as we enter the NWCFL Premier Division?

The fans can expect much of the same as last year we have all been working hard through out the summer, some new experienced faces will be added the strengthen the squad for this seasons challenge.

Some ground improvements and improvements to the facilities are always going on, it’s always work in progress at Silsden we are continually looking at ways to take the team to a higher level.

Who was your footballing hero growing up? 

When I was growing up my cousin Ron Flowers was a full England international as well as being the captain of Wolverhampton Wanderers. He was part of the World Cup winning squad. We had some lovely family memories whenever he came to my aunties house I made sure I was there in Doncaster.

Later as a 13 year old being trained by Jack Charlton and Bobby Collins, and living 4 miles from Leeds I quickly became a Leeds fan, and season ticket holder later.

Billy Bremner was my hero then, now a days  Messi and Ronaldo just amaze me.

What is it about the club that makes it stand out above other local sides in the area?

Where do I start, there are so many but here goes.

The history of the club, the past and present committee, players and managers, the fact that we have been the highest ranked club in the area for many years.

Our facilities are the envy of all the clubs that come to visit us, and are second to none for miles around.

We were the first club to bring floodlit football to the area, now all the local leagues use our facilities to play their finals.

The “pathway strategy” for our young players to progress from junior level right through to senior level is something no other club have in the area something which we are very proud of.

Our junior six aside competition is the largest in the North, over 150 teams compete over 2 days in June, the pro club scouts regard this as the number one tournament their attendance tells its own story.

I also think  as we are seeing other local clubs are following our example, and how we do it, tells us we must be doing it right. It’s a great compliment to see other clubs attempting to emulate ideas Danny and the team have behind the scenes. It can only do good for local football.

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